
Die FeBrina ist eines der besten Tauchsafari-Boote in Papua-Neuguinea.
Die FeBrina ist ein wunderschönes 73 Fuss (ca. 22 m) Boutique-Tauchschiff mit 7 Kabinen für bis zu 12 Gäste. Für Fotografen gibt es auf dem Tauchdeck einen Kamera-Tisch und Regale mit 110 V und 220 V Steckdosen.
Mehr erfahren

Die FeBrina hat 7 klimatisierte Kabinen für bis zu 12 Gäste. Für Fotografen ist es interessant, dass die MV FeBrina auf dem Tauchdeck mit einem Kameratisch und Regalen mit 110 V und 220 V Steckdosen ausgestattet ist, sodass Batterien aufgeladen und die Ausrüstung sicher gelagert werden kann. Das große Tauchdeck ermöglicht außerdem einen sehr einfachen Einstieg in das kristallklare Wasser.

Mit drei Decks an Bord bietet dieses Tauchboot viel Platz zum Entspannen zwischen den Tauchgängen.

Impressionen: Febrina

Ausstattung & Details

Technische Daten des Bootes

Gesprochene Sprache(n)English
Nitrox: verfügbar
Wifi:nicht verfügbar
Kapazität:14 Taucher
Material: Stahl
Lange:72 Meter
Breite:20 Meter
Max. Geschwindigkeit:11.5 Knoten
Motor:2 x Cummins 250hp 1800rpm each
Kamera-Raum:Camera tables
Ausrüstung Vermietung:Full Gear
Kompressor:Atlas Copco Nitrox Low Pressure Compressor, 2xBauer 14 cuft compressor
Erste-Hilfe-Kit:First Aid Kits, Crew trained in first aid
Kit Sauerstoff:Oxygen

Kabinentypen & Details

Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina

2 Einzelkabinen: klimatisierte Kabinen unter den Decks, alle mit eigenem Bad.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:1


Shower Towels:Yes

Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina

4 Doppelkabinen: klimatisierte Kabinen unter den Decks, alle mit eigenem Bad. 2 Kabinen haben ein Doppelbett und ein Etagenbett, und 2 Kabinen haben 2 Etagenbetten.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:1


Shower Towels:Yes

Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina

Doppelkabine: klimatisierte Kabinen unter den Decks, alle mit eigenem Bad.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:1


Shower Towels:Yes

Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina

Alle Kabinen sind klimatisiert und verfügen über ein eigenes Bad.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:1


Shower Towels:Yes

Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina

Alle Kabinen sind klimatisiert und verfügen über ein eigenes Bad.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:1


Shower Towels:Yes

1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina

Alle Kabinen sind klimatisiert und verfügen über ein eigenes Bad.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:1


Shower Towels:Yes

2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina

Alle Kabinen sind klimatisiert und verfügen über ein eigenes Bad.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:1


Shower Towels:Yes

2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina

Alle Kabinen sind klimatisiert und verfügen über ein eigenes Bad.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:1


Shower Towels:Yes

Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina

Alle Kabinen sind klimatisiert und verfügen über ein eigenes Bad.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:1


Shower Towels:Yes

Routen und Details

Witu Islands Itinerary FB(8 nights)

Witu Islands Itinerary
Witu Islands Itinerary includes diving on the Witu group of Islands to the northwest of Kimbe Bay with some diving within Kimbe Bay on the last day. Dive sites visited are at the discretion of the Captain and are weather dependent.
Mehr erfahren

Witu Islands are a group of islands, volcanic in origin, situated to the north west of Kimbe Bay. The diving is a mixture of sea mounts rising from deep waters to within metres of the surface (such as Lama shoals), beautiful coral arches and great night dives in the black sand bays of the islands. Lots of interaction with the locals trading fresh fruit and veg out of their canoes too.

Kimbe Bay is home to stunning reefs with those brilliant coral formations you see in all the classic Walindi pics. Beautiful and dramatic sea mounts, coral laden walls and lush coral gardens are all a feature of Kimbe Bay diving, along with myriad fish and invertebrate life the reefs sustain.

Island of East Coast New Ireland Exploratory Itinerary FB (11nights)

East Coast Islands of New Ireland Itinerary
East Coast Islands of New Ireland Itinerary includes diving around the Islands along the Eastern coastline of New Ireland from Cape St. George up to Kavieng (including Feni Islands,Lihir Island and Tabar group of Islands)
Mehr erfahren

East Coast Islands of New Ireland Itinerary includes diving around the Islands along the Eastern coastline of New Ireland from Cape St. George up to Kavieng (including Feni Islands,Lihir Island and Tabar group of Islands)

**Note - includes exploratory diving.

Dive sites visited are at the discretion of the Captain and are weather dependent.

New Hanover and Fathers Reefs Itinerary FB(10 nights)

New Hanover and Fathers Reefs Itinerary FB(10 nights)
Mehr erfahren

New Hanover diving features coral gardens, bommies and wall dives in the passages. The channels are fantastic for drift diving, with large schools of fish, rays and shark patrolling the lush coral laden sides of the passages. Reefs in the New Hanover and Kavieng area feature a large and diverse variety of marine life, with a good mix of stunning underwater vistas to satisfy the wide angle photographer as well as lots of little critters, perfect for the macro enthusiast.

Fathers Reefs & Lolobau Island are a series of off shore reefs, volcanic in origin. The underwater topography is startlingly different with dramatic reef scapes, arches and swim throughs. Being offshore, these reefs also attract pelagic activity such as sharks, rays, turtles, schools of barracuda, jacks etc.

New Hanover and Witu Islands Itinerary FB(10 nights)

New Hannover and Witu Island Itinerary FB(11nights)

New Hanover and Witu Islands Itinerary.
For the itinerary concluding at Walindi Plantation Resort/Kimbe Bay, there will be two dives in Kimbe Bay on the final dive day. Dive sites visited are at the discretion of the Captain and are weather dependent.
Mehr erfahren

New Hanover diving features coral gardens, bommies and wall dives in the passages. The channels are fantastic for drift diving, with large schools of fish, rays and shark patrolling the lush coral laden sides of the passages. Reefs in the New Hanover and Kavieng area feature a large and diverse variety of marine life, with a good mix of stunning underwater vistas to satisfy the wide angle photographer as well as lots of little critters, perfect for the macro enthusiast.

Witu Islands are a group of islands, volcanic in origin, situated to the north west of Kimbe Bay. The diving is a mixture of sea mounts rising from deep waters to within metres of the surface (such as Lama shoals), beautiful coral arches and great night dives in the black sand bays of the islands. Lots of interaction with the locals trading fresh fruit and veg out of their canoes too.

Kimbe Bay is home to stunning reefs with those brilliant coral formations you see in all the classic Walindi pics. Beautiful and dramatic sea mounts, coral laden walls and lush coral gardens are all a feature of Kimbe Bay diving, along with myriad fish and invertebrate life the reefs sustain.

Bismark Sea Signature Itinerary FB( 9Nights)

Bismarck Sea Signature Itinerary includes diving in Kimbe Bay, at Witu Islands and Fathers Reefs.
Dive sites visited are at the discretion of the Captain and are weather dependent.
Mehr erfahren

Kimbe Bay is home to stunning reefs with those brilliant coral formations you see in all the classic Walindi pics. Beautiful and dramatic sea mounts, coral laden walls and lush coral gardens are all a feature of Kimbe Bay diving, along with myriad fish and invertebrate life the reefs sustain.

Witu Islands are a group of islands, volcanic in origin, situated to the north west of Kimbe Bay. The diving is a mixture of sea mounts rising from deep waters to within metres of the surface (such as Lama shoals), beautiful coral arches and great night dives in the black sand bays of the islands. Lots of interaction with the locals trading fresh fruit and veg out of their canoes too.

Fathers Reefs are a series of off-shore reefs, also volcanic in origin, along the northern coastline of East New Britain. The underwater topography is startlingly different with dramatic reefscapes, arches and swim-throughs. Being offshore, these reefs also attract pelagic activity such as sharks, rays, turtle, schools of barracuda and jacks, etc.

Fathers Reefs &Kimbe Bay Itinerary FB(8nights)

Fathers Reefs and Kimbe Bay Itinerary(8nights)
Fathers Reefs and Kimbe Bay Itinerary includes diving on Fathers Reefs, a group of off-shore reefs along the northern coastline of New Britain and on the outer reefs of Kimbe Bay. Dive sites visited are at the discretion of the Captain and are weather dependent.
Mehr erfahren

Fathers Reefs are a series of off-shore reefs, volcanic in origin. The underwater topography is startlingly different with dramatic reefscapes, arches and swim-throughs. Being offshore, these reefs also attract pelagic activity such as sharks, rays, turtle, schools of barracuda and jacks, etc.

Kimbe Bay is home to stunning reefs with those brilliant coral formations you see in all the classic Walindi pics. Beautiful and dramatic sea mounts, coral laden walls and lush coral gardens are all a feature of Kimbe Bay diving, along with myriad fish and invertebrate life the reefs sustain.

East and West New Britain Itinerary FB(8 nights)

East & West New Britain Itinerary
East & West New Britain Itinerary includes diving along the northern coast of New Britain and Rabaul (Outer Kimbe Bay Reefs, Fathers Reefs, Bainings area and Rabaul). Dive sites visited are at the discretion of the Captain and are weather dependent.
Mehr erfahren

Fathers Reefs are a series of offshore reefs, volcanic in origin, along the northern coastline of West New Britain. The underwater topography is startlingly different with dramatic reefscapes, arches and swim throughs. Being offshore, these reefs also attract pelagic activity such as sharks, rays, turtles, schools of barracuda, jacks, etc.

Rabaul diving features an abundance of macro critters, usually around various jetty's. Please note that we do not dive the wrecks in Rabaul. These are specialty dives and we recommend diving the wrecks with local operators.

Kimbe Bay is home to stunning reefs with those brilliant coral formations you see in all the classic Walindi pics. Beautiful and dramatic sea mounts, coral laden walls and lush coral gardens are all a feature of Kimbe Bay diving, along with myriad fish and invertebrate life the reefs sustain.

Bismark Sea Signature Itinerary FB( 10Nights)

Bismarck Sea Signature Itinerary includes diving in Kimbe Bay, at Witu Islands and Fathers Reefs.
Dive sites visited are at the discretion of the Captain and are weather dependent.
Mehr erfahren

Kimbe Bay is home to stunning reefs with those brilliant coral formations you see in all the classic Walindi pics. Beautiful and dramatic sea mounts, coral laden walls and lush coral gardens are all a feature of Kimbe Bay diving, along with myriad fish and invertebrate life the reefs sustain.

Witu Islands are a group of islands, volcanic in origin, situated to the north west of Kimbe Bay. The diving is a mixture of sea mounts rising from deep waters to within metres of the surface (such as Lama shoals), beautiful coral arches and great night dives in the black sand bays of the islands. Lots of interaction with the locals trading fresh fruit and veg out of their canoes too.

Fathers Reefs are a series of off-shore reefs, also volcanic in origin, along the northern coastline of East New Britain. The underwater topography is startlingly different with dramatic reefscapes, arches and swim-throughs. Being offshore, these reefs also attract pelagic activity such as sharks, rays, turtle, schools of barracuda and jacks, etc.

West New Britain Itinerary FB(8nights)

West New Britain Itinerary(8nights)
West New Britain Itinerary includes diving on Kimbe Bay Reefs and EITHER Fathers Reefs OR Witu Islands (weather dependent) Dive sites visited are at the discretion of the Captain and are weather dependent.
Mehr erfahren

Kimbe Bay is home to stunning reefs with those brilliant coral formations you see in all the classic Walindi pics. Beautiful and dramatic sea mounts, coral laden walls and lush coral gardens are all a feature of Kimbe Bay diving, along with myriad fish and invertebrate life the reefs sustain.

Witu Islands are a group of islands, volcanic in origin, situated to the north west of Kimbe Bay. The diving is a mixture of sea mounts rising from deep waters to within metres of the surface (such as Lama shoals), beautiful coral arches and great night dives in the black sand bays of the islands. Lots of interaction with the locals trading fresh fruit and veg out of their canoes too.

Fathers Reefs are a series of off shore reefs, also volcanic in origin, off the northern coastline of East New Britain. The underwater topography is startlingly different with dramatic reefscapes, arches and swim throughs. Being offshore, these reefs also attract pelagic activity such as sharks, rays, turtles, schools of barracuda, jacks etc.

Kimbe Bay Itinerary FB(7nights)

Kimbe Bay Itinerary
A seven night Kimbe Bay Itinerary includes diving in Kimbe Bay and on the outer reefs of Kimbe Bay.
Mehr erfahren

Dive sites visited are at the discretion of the Captain and are weather dependent.

Kimbe Bay is home to stunning reefs with those brilliant coral formations you see in all the classic Walindi pics. Beautiful and dramatic sea mounts, coral laden walls and lush coral gardens are all a feature of Kimbe Bay diving, along with myriad fish and invertebrate life the reefs sustain.

Fathers Reefs and New Hanover Itinerary FB11, 11 nights

Fathers Reefs and New Hanover Itinerary FB11, 11 nights


21.03.2025 8 Nächte
Witu Islands Itinerary FB(8 nights)
1 Platz frei confirmed
CHF 3543
Abreise: 21.03.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 29.03.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3543
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
24.04.2025 10 Nächte
New Hanover and Fathers Reefs Itinerary FB(10 nights)
2 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4640
Abreise: 24.04.2025 Kavieng
Ankunft: 04.05.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
06.05.2025 10 Nächte
New Hanover and Witu Islands Itinerary FB(10 nights)
5 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4640
Abreise: 06.05.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 16.05.2025 Kavieng
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4640
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
17.05.2025 11 Nächte
New Hannover and Witu Island Itinerary FB(11nights)
8 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4873
Abreise: 17.05.2025 Kavieng
Ankunft: 28.05.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4873
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4873
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4873
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4873
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4873
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
30.05.2025 9 Nächte
Bismark Sea Signature Itinerary FB( 9Nights)
7 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4268
Abreise: 30.05.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 08.06.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5115
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4268
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4268
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4268
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5115
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
10.06.2025 9 Nächte
Bismark Sea Signature Itinerary FB( 9Nights)
8 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4268
Abreise: 10.06.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 19.06.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5115
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4268
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4268
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4268
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4268
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5115
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
20.06.2025 8 Nächte
Fathers Reefs &Kimbe Bay Itinerary FB(8nights)
5 Plätze frei ( ) confirmed
CHF 2657 CHF 3543
Abreise: 20.06.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 28.06.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250 CHF 3187
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543 CHF 2657
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz()
CHF 3543 CHF 2657
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250 CHF 3187
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
14.07.2025 8 Nächte
East and West New Britain Itinerary FB(8 nights)
2 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 3543
Abreise: 14.07.2025 Rabaul
Ankunft: 22.07.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
24.07.2025 8 Nächte
Fathers Reefs &Kimbe Bay Itinerary FB(8nights)
7 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 2657 CHF 3543
Abreise: 24.07.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 01.08.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250 CHF 3187
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543 CHF 2657
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3543 CHF 2657
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543 CHF 2657
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250 CHF 3187
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
25.08.2025 8 Nächte
Fathers Reefs &Kimbe Bay Itinerary FB(8nights)
10 Plätze frei planned
CHF 3543
Abreise: 25.08.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 02.09.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3543
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3543
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
05.09.2025 10 Nächte
Bismark Sea Signature Itinerary FB( 10Nights)
4 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4640
Abreise: 05.09.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 15.09.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5561
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4640
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
18.09.2025 9 Nächte
Bismark Sea Signature Itinerary FB( 9Nights)
12 Plätze frei planned
CHF 4268
Abreise: 18.09.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 27.09.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4268
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4268
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4268
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4268
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4268
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4268
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4268
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
02.10.2025 11 Nächte
New Hannover and Witu Island Itinerary FB(11nights)
5 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4873
Abreise: 02.10.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 13.10.2025 Kavieng
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5840
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4873
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4873
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5840
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
16.10.2025 11 Nächte
New Hannover and Witu Island Itinerary FB(11nights)
6 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4873
Abreise: 16.10.2025 Kavieng
Ankunft: 27.10.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4873
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4873
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4873
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4873
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
29.10.2025 10 Nächte
Bismark Sea Signature Itinerary FB( 10Nights)
3 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4640
Abreise: 29.10.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 08.11.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4640
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
12.11.2025 9 Nächte
Bismark Sea Signature Itinerary FB( 9Nights)
6 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4268
Abreise: 12.11.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 21.11.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5115
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4268
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4268
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4268
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5115
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
25.11.2025 8 Nächte
West New Britain Itinerary FB(8nights)
8 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 3543
Abreise: 25.11.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 03.12.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
05.12.2025 8 Nächte
West New Britain Itinerary FB(8nights)
10 Plätze frei planned
CHF 3543
Abreise: 05.12.2025 Walindi
Ankunft: 13.12.2025 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3543
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3543
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
04.03.2026 7 Nächte
Kimbe Bay Itinerary FB(7nights)
10 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 2790
Abreise: 04.03.2026 Walindi
Ankunft: 11.03.2026 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3720
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3162
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3162
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 2790
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 2790
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3162
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3720
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
13.03.2026 7 Nächte
Kimbe Bay Itinerary FB(7nights)
10 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 2790
Abreise: 13.03.2026 Walindi
Ankunft: 20.03.2026 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3720
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3162
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3162
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 2790
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 2790
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3162
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3720
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
23.03.2026 8 Nächte
Witu Islands Itinerary FB(8 nights)
10 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 3365 CHF 3543
Abreise: 23.03.2026 Walindi
Ankunft: 31.03.2026 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250 CHF 4037
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543 CHF 3365
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543 CHF 3365
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3543 CHF 3365
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3543 CHF 3365
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543 CHF 3365
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250 CHF 4037
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
02.04.2026 8 Nächte
Witu Islands Itinerary FB(8 nights)
13 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 3365 CHF 3543
Abreise: 02.04.2026 Walindi
Ankunft: 10.04.2026 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250 CHF 4037
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543 CHF 3365
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543 CHF 3365
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 3543 CHF 3365
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543 CHF 3365
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543 CHF 3365
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 3543 CHF 3365
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4250 CHF 4037
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
16.04.2026 11 Nächte
Island of East Coast New Ireland Exploratory Itinerary FB (11nights)
4 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4629 CHF 4873
Abreise: 16.04.2026 Rabaul
Ankunft: 27.04.2026 Kavieng
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4873 CHF 4629
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4873 CHF 4629
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
29.04.2026 10 Nächte
New Hanover and Witu Islands Itinerary FB(10 nights)
7 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4408 CHF 4640
Abreise: 29.04.2026 Kavieng
Ankunft: 09.05.2026 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5561 CHF 5283
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
12.05.2026 11 Nächte
Fathers Reefs and New Hanover Itinerary FB11, 11 nights
9 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 4629 CHF 4873
Abreise: 12.05.2026 Walindi
Ankunft: 23.05.2026 Kavieng
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5840 CHF 5548
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4873 CHF 4629
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4873 CHF 4629
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4873 CHF 4629
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4873 CHF 4629
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5840 CHF 5548
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
25.05.2026 10 Nächte
New Hanover and Witu Islands Itinerary FB(10 nights)
9 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 3975 CHF 4185
Abreise: 25.05.2026 Kavieng
Ankunft: 04.06.2026 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5561 CHF 5283
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4185 CHF 3975
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5561 CHF 5283
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
08.06.2026 10 Nächte
Bismark Sea Signature Itinerary FB( 10Nights)
10 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 3975 CHF 4185
Abreise: 08.06.2026 Walindi
Ankunft: 18.06.2026 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5561 CHF 5283
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4185 CHF 3975
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4185 CHF 3975
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5561 CHF 5283
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20
05.09.2026 10 Nächte
Bismark Sea Signature Itinerary FB( 10Nights)
10 Plätze frei planned
CHF 3975 CHF 4185
Abreise: 05.09.2026 Walindi
Ankunft: 15.09.2026 Walindi
Large Single Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5561 CHF 5283
Twin/Double Cabin 3 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
Double cabin 7 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
Small Single Cabin 2 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4185 CHF 3975
Small Single Cabin 1 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 4185 CHF 3975
1 Twin/Double Cabin 4 - MV FeBrina
2 Plätze
CHF 4640 CHF 4408
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 5 - MV FeBrina
2 Large Single/Twin Share Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
Large Single Cabin 6 - MV FeBrina
1 Platz
CHF 5561 CHF 5283
Environmental and Safety Fee (In advance, per night)
Conservation Fee (In advance, per trip)
USD 20