Belize Aggressor III

Die Belize Aggressor III ist ein 33 m langes, luxuriöses Safariboot.
Die M/V Belize Aggressor III bietet bequem Platz für 18 Taucher, die von einer aufmerksamen 6-köpfigen Crew betreut werden. Zur Ausstattung des Schiffes gehören ein geräumiger Salon mit komplettem Unterhaltungssystem, ein Sonnendeck mit Whirlpool, Liegestühle, Bar-Service und neun geräumige Kabinen. Alle Kabinen verfügen über ein eigenes Bad mit Dusche, eine individuelle Klimaanlage und TV/DVD.
Mehr erfahren

Die 33 Meter lange Belize Aggressor III bietet bequem Platz für 18 Taucher. Sie verfügt über einen Salon mit komplettem Unterhaltungssystem, einem Sonnendeck mit Whirlpool und neun geräumige Kabinen. Alle Kabinen verfügen über ein eigenes Bad mit Dusche, eine individuelle Klimaanlage und TV/DVD.

Die Tauchgänge auf der Belize Aggressor III beginnen am Sonntagmorgen und enden am Freitag zum Mittagessen. Täglich werden bis zu 5 Tauchgänge sowie Nachttauchgänge durchgeführt. Belize ist bekannt für seine großartigen Steilwände. Steilwände wie die Painted Wall, die Half Moon Caye Wall und die Quebrada sind mit riesigen Gorgonien und orangefarbenen Elefantenohrschwämmen bewachsen, die Muränen, Langusten und Krebse beherbergen. 

Impressionen: Belize Aggressor III

Ausstattung & Details

Technische Daten des Bootes

Gesprochene Sprache(n)English
Nitrox: verfügbar
Wifi:nicht verfügbar
Kapazität:22 Taucher
Material: Stahl
Lange:33,5 Meter
Breite:6,7 Meter
Max. Geschwindigkeit:10 Knoten
Motor:Twin Diesel engines
Aufladestation:camera table with low-pressure air hoses and a photo editing computer
Kamera-Raum:a complete photo center with a digital video and photo editing computer
Ausrüstung Vermietung:A full line of Aqua Lung rental gear is available including regulators, BCs, dive computers etc.
Kompressor:Two SCUBA air compressors with cascade storage
Satelliten-Telefon:Yes, guests can use at surcharge
Erste-Hilfe-Kit:Complete First Aid Kit and medical supplies
Kit Sauerstoff:3 Portable Emergency Oxygen kits + 350 cu/ft Storage
Defibrillator:Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)

Kabinentypen & Details

Lowest Priced Cabin

Die Belize Aggressor III hat 3 Kabinentypen: Es gibt eine Hauptkabine und 2 Arten von Luxuskabinen. Alle Kabinen sind mit eigenem Bad und Dusche sowie individueller Klimaanlage ausgestattet.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:11


Shower Towels:Yes

Routen und Details


Belize ist ein Paradies für Wandtaucher.
Wände wie Painted Wall, Half Moon Caye Wall und Quebrada sind mit riesigen purpurroten Gorgonien und orangefarbenen Elefantenohrschwämmen geschmückt. Muränen, Langusten und winzige Pfeilkrabben verstecken sich in jeder Ritze, Spalte, Höhle und in den Tunneln dieser wunderschönen Korallenformationen. Dies sind nur einige der Dinge, die Sie am Lighthouse Reef, Half Moon Cay und Turneffe Reef sehen werden.
Mehr erfahren

Jeden Samstag um 18 Uhr legt das Tauchsafariboot vom Radisson Ft. George Dock ab, das sich im Herzen der Innenstadt von Belize City befindet, um eine Woche lang problemlos zum Lighthouse Reef, Half Moon Cay und dem berühmten Blue Hole zu tauchen. Das mystische Blue Hole, ein eingestürztes Süßwasser-Höhlensystem, ist ungefähr 1000 Fuß breit und über 400 Fuß tief. Berühmt wurde das Blue Hole durch den Meerespionier Jacques-Yves Cousteau, der es zu einem der zehn besten Tauchplätze der Welt erklärte. Im Jahr 1971 brachte er sein Schiff, die Calypso, zum Blue Hole, um dessen Tiefen zu erforschen. Beim Abtauchen in das Blue Hole sehen die Gäste wunderschöne vertikale Stalaktitenformationen. 

Die Tauchsafaris in Belize beginnen am Sonntagmorgen und enden am Freitag vor dem Mittagessen, wenn das Schiff in den Hafen zurückkehrt. Von Sonntag bis Donnerstag kann den ganzen Tag über unbegrenzt getaucht werden und jeden Abend findet ein Nachttauchgang statt.  Freitag wird ein halber Tauchtag angeboten. Eine Reise in dieses mittelamerikanische Paradies ist nicht vollständig ohne einen Besuch der Maya-Ruinen von Belize, eine Höhlentubing-Fahrt durch den Dschungel oder eine Canopy-Tour durch die Baumkronen. Die Touren werden am Freitagnachmittag angeboten, aber es empfiehlt sich ein längerer Aufenthalt, um die Wunder von Belize und seiner Ecke der Karibik in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Gäste können den Pool- und Barbereich des Radisson Ft. George Hotels am Samstag kostenlos nutzen.

Glovers Reef


10.05.2025 7 Nächte
1 Platz frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 10.05.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 17.05.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
1 Platz
CHF 3343
24.05.2025 7 Nächte
1 Platz frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 24.05.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 31.05.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
1 Platz
CHF 3343
31.05.2025 7 Nächte
14 Plätze frei
CHF 2878
Abreise: 31.05.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 07.06.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
14 Plätze
CHF 2878
14.06.2025 7 Nächte
6 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 14.06.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 21.06.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
6 Plätze
CHF 3343
21.06.2025 7 Nächte
8 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 21.06.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 28.06.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
8 Plätze
CHF 3343
28.06.2025 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 2878
Abreise: 28.06.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 05.07.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 2878
05.07.2025 7 Nächte
16 Plätze frei
CHF 2878
Abreise: 05.07.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 12.07.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 2878
12.07.2025 7 Nächte
3 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 12.07.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 19.07.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
3 Plätze
CHF 3343
19.07.2025 7 Nächte
16 Plätze frei
CHF 2878
Abreise: 19.07.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 26.07.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 2878
26.07.2025 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 2878
Abreise: 26.07.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 02.08.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 2878
02.08.2025 7 Nächte
16 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 02.08.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 09.08.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 3343
09.08.2025 7 Nächte
7 Plätze frei
CHF 2508
Abreise: 09.08.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 16.08.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
7 Plätze
CHF 2508
16.08.2025 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 16.08.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 23.08.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3343
23.08.2025 7 Nächte
17 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 23.08.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 30.08.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
17 Plätze
CHF 3343
30.08.2025 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 30.08.2025 Unspecified
Ankunft: 06.09.2025 Unspecified
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3343
06.09.2025 7 Nächte
6 Plätze frei
CHF 2508
Abreise: 06.09.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 13.09.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
6 Plätze
CHF 2508
20.09.2025 10 Nächte
16 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 20.09.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 30.09.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 3343
01.10.2025 10 Nächte
13 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 01.10.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 11.10.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
13 Plätze
CHF 3343
11.10.2025 7 Nächte
Glovers Reef
14 Plätze frei
CHF 2508
Abreise: 11.10.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 18.10.2025 Belize City
Lowest Priced Cabin
14 Plätze
CHF 2508
18.10.2025 7 Nächte
Glovers Reef
17 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 18.10.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 25.10.2025 Belize City
Lowest Priced Cabin
17 Plätze
CHF 3343
25.10.2025 7 Nächte
Glovers Reef
16 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 25.10.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 01.11.2025 Belize City
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 3343
01.11.2025 7 Nächte
16 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 01.11.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 08.11.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 3343
08.11.2025 7 Nächte
16 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 08.11.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 15.11.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 3343
15.11.2025 7 Nächte
17 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 15.11.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 22.11.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
17 Plätze
CHF 3343
22.11.2025 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 22.11.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 29.11.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3343
29.11.2025 7 Nächte
16 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 29.11.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 06.12.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 3343
06.12.2025 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 06.12.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 13.12.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3343
13.12.2025 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 13.12.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 20.12.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3343
20.12.2025 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 20.12.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 27.12.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3343
27.12.2025 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3343
Abreise: 27.12.2025 Belize City
Ankunft: 03.01.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3343
03.01.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 03.01.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 10.01.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
10.01.2026 7 Nächte
15 Plätze frei
CHF 2577
Abreise: 10.01.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 17.01.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
15 Plätze
CHF 2577
24.01.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 24.01.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 31.01.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
31.01.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 31.01.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 07.02.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
07.02.2026 7 Nächte
16 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 07.02.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 14.02.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 3436
14.02.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 14.02.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 21.02.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
21.02.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 21.02.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 28.02.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
28.02.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 28.02.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 07.03.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
07.03.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 07.03.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 14.03.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
14.03.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 14.03.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 21.03.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
21.03.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 21.03.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 28.03.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
28.03.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 28.03.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 04.04.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
04.04.2026 7 Nächte
16 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 04.04.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 11.04.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 3436
11.04.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 11.04.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 18.04.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
18.04.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 18.04.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 25.04.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
25.04.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 25.04.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 02.05.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
02.05.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 02.05.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 09.05.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
09.05.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 09.05.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 16.05.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
16.05.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 16.05.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 23.05.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
23.05.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 23.05.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 30.05.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
30.05.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 30.05.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 06.06.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
06.06.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 06.06.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 13.06.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
13.06.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 13.06.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 20.06.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
20.06.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 20.06.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 27.06.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
27.06.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 27.06.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 04.07.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
04.07.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 04.07.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 11.07.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
11.07.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 11.07.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 18.07.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
18.07.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 18.07.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 25.07.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
25.07.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 25.07.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 01.08.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
01.08.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 01.08.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 08.08.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
08.08.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 08.08.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 15.08.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
15.08.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 15.08.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 22.08.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
22.08.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 22.08.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 29.08.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
29.08.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 29.08.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 05.09.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
12.09.2026 10 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 12.09.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 22.09.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
23.09.2026 10 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 23.09.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 03.10.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
03.10.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 03.10.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 10.10.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
10.10.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 10.10.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 17.10.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
17.10.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 17.10.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 24.10.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
24.10.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 24.10.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 31.10.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
31.10.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 31.10.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 07.11.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
07.11.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 07.11.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 14.11.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
14.11.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 14.11.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 21.11.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
21.11.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 21.11.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 28.11.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
28.11.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 28.11.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 05.12.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
05.12.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 05.12.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 12.12.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
12.12.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 12.12.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 19.12.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
19.12.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 19.12.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 26.12.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
26.12.2026 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3436
Abreise: 26.12.2026 Belize City
Ankunft: 02.01.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3436
02.01.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 02.01.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 09.01.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
09.01.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 09.01.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 16.01.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
20.02.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 20.02.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 27.02.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
27.02.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 27.02.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 06.03.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
06.03.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 06.03.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 13.03.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
13.03.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 13.03.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 20.03.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
20.03.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 20.03.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 27.03.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
27.03.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 27.03.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 03.04.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
03.04.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 03.04.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 10.04.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
10.04.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 10.04.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 17.04.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
17.04.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 17.04.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 24.04.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
24.04.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 24.04.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 01.05.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
01.05.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 01.05.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 08.05.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
08.05.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 08.05.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 15.05.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
15.05.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 15.05.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 22.05.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
22.05.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 22.05.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 29.05.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
29.05.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 29.05.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 05.06.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
05.06.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 05.06.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 12.06.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
12.06.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 12.06.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 19.06.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
19.06.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 19.06.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 26.06.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
26.06.2027 7 Nächte
16 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 26.06.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 03.07.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 3529
03.07.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 03.07.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 10.07.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
10.07.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 10.07.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 17.07.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
17.07.2027 7 Nächte
16 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 17.07.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 24.07.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 Plätze
CHF 3529
24.07.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 24.07.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 31.07.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
31.07.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 31.07.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 07.08.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
07.08.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 07.08.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 14.08.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
14.08.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 14.08.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 21.08.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
21.08.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 21.08.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 28.08.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
28.08.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 28.08.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 04.09.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
11.09.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 11.09.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 18.09.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
18.09.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 18.09.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 25.09.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
25.09.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 25.09.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 02.10.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
02.10.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 02.10.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 09.10.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
09.10.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 09.10.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 16.10.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
16.10.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 16.10.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 23.10.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
23.10.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 23.10.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 30.10.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
30.10.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 30.10.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 06.11.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
06.11.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 06.11.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 13.11.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
13.11.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 13.11.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 20.11.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
20.11.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 20.11.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 27.11.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
27.11.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 27.11.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 04.12.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
04.12.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 04.12.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 11.12.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
11.12.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 11.12.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 18.12.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
18.12.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 18.12.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 25.12.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
25.12.2027 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 25.12.2027 Belize City
Ankunft: 01.01.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
01.01.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 01.01.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 08.01.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
08.01.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 08.01.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 15.01.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
22.01.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 22.01.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 29.01.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
29.01.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 29.01.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 05.02.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
05.02.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 05.02.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 12.02.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
12.02.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 12.02.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 19.02.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
19.02.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 19.02.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 26.02.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
26.02.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 26.02.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 04.03.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
04.03.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 04.03.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 11.03.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
11.03.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 11.03.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 18.03.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
18.03.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 18.03.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 25.03.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
25.03.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 25.03.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 01.04.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
01.04.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 01.04.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 08.04.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
08.04.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 08.04.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 15.04.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
15.04.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 15.04.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 22.04.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
22.04.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 22.04.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 29.04.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
29.04.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 29.04.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 06.05.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
06.05.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 06.05.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 13.05.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
13.05.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 13.05.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 20.05.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
20.05.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 20.05.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 27.05.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
27.05.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 27.05.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 03.06.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
03.06.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 03.06.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 10.06.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
10.06.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 10.06.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 17.06.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
17.06.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 17.06.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 24.06.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
24.06.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 24.06.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 01.07.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
01.07.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 01.07.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 08.07.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
08.07.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 08.07.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 15.07.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
15.07.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 15.07.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 22.07.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
22.07.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 22.07.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 29.07.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
29.07.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 29.07.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 05.08.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
05.08.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 05.08.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 12.08.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
12.08.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 12.08.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 19.08.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
19.08.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 19.08.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 26.08.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
26.08.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 26.08.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 02.09.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
09.09.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 09.09.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 16.09.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
16.09.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 16.09.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 23.09.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
23.09.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 23.09.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 30.09.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
30.09.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 30.09.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 07.10.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
07.10.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 07.10.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 14.10.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
14.10.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 14.10.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 21.10.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
21.10.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 21.10.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 28.10.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
28.10.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 28.10.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 04.11.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
04.11.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 04.11.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 11.11.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
11.11.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 11.11.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 18.11.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
18.11.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 18.11.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 25.11.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
25.11.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 25.11.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 02.12.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
02.12.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 02.12.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 09.12.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
09.12.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 09.12.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 16.12.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
16.12.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 16.12.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 23.12.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
23.12.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 23.12.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 30.12.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529
30.12.2028 7 Nächte
18 Plätze frei
CHF 3529
Abreise: 30.12.2028 Belize City
Ankunft: 06.01.2029 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 Plätze
CHF 3529