Belize Aggressor III

Le M/V Belize Aggressor III est un bateau de croisière de luxe de 33 mètres de long.
Le M/V Belize Aggressor III peut accueillir confortablement 18 plongeurs encadrés par un équipage attentif composé de 6 membres. Les installations du bateau comprennent un salon spacieux avec un système de divertissement complet, un pont solarium avec un jacuzzi, des chaises longues, un service de bar et neuf cabines spacieuses. Toutes les cabines sont équipées d'une salle de bain privée avec douche, de la climatisation et d'une télévision/DVD.
En savoir plus

Les spécialités culinaires locales ainsi que les plats internationaux sont préparés par un chef qualifié et servis sous forme de buffet dans la cuisine. Toutes les boissons, y compris la bière et le vin, sont gratuites. Les installations de plongée du MV Belize Aggressor III comprennent un immense pont de plongée avec des bacs d'équipement personnel, des remplissages d'air/nitrox, des cuves de rinçage et une table pour les appareils photo à trois niveaux incluant des tuyaux d'air à basse pression, une cuve de rinçage pour les appareils photo et un laboratoire photo E-6.

Les plongées sur le Belize Aggressor III commencent le dimanche matin et se terminent le vendredi au déjeuner. La croisière comprend jusqu'à 5 plongées par jour ainsi que des plongées de nuit. Le Belize est réputé pour ses magnifiques plongées sur les murs. Les murs comme Painted Wall, Half Moon Caye Wall et Quebrada sont incrustés de gorgones massives et d'éponges orange à oreilles d'éléphant qui cachent des murènes, des langoustes et des crabes. Un autre site de plongée populaire est le Blue Hole, un système de grottes d'eau douce effondrées d'environ 300 mètres de large et de plus de 120 mètres de profondeur. Jacques Cousteau a déclaré que le Blue Hole était l'un des dix meilleurs sites de plongée au monde. Le Belize Aggressor III emmène les plongeurs vers ces sites spectaculaires, ainsi que vers de nombreux autres sites de plongée étonnants, tout au long de l'année.

Impressions: Belize Aggressor III

Equipement & Détails

Spécifications techniques du bateau

langue(s) parlée(s) à bordEnglish
Nitrox: disponible
Wifi:non disponible
Capacité:22 Plongeurs
Matériel: acier
année de construction:
Longueur:33,5 Mètres
Largeur:6,7 Mètres
Vitesse max.:10 Nœud
Moteur:Twin Diesel engines
Station de charge:camera table with low-pressure air hoses and a photo editing computer
Espace appareils photo:a complete photo center with a digital video and photo editing computer
Location d’équipement:A full line of Aqua Lung rental gear is available including regulators, BCs, dive computers etc.
Compresseur:Two SCUBA air compressors with cascade storage
Téléphone satellite:Yes, guests can use at surcharge
Kit premier secours:Complete First Aid Kit and medical supplies
Kit oxygène:3 Portable Emergency Oxygen kits + 350 cu/ft Storage
Défibrillateur:Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)

Types de cabines & informations détaillées

Lowest Priced Cabin

Il y a une cabine principale et deux types de cabines de luxe.

Informations sur le type de cabine

Anzahl der Kabinen:11

Salle de bain

Shower Towels:

Itinéraires et informations


Belize est un paradis pour les plongeurs.
Les murs transparents comme Painted Wall, Half Moon Caye Wall et Quebrada sont ornés d'énormes gorgones pourpres et d'éponges géantes orange à oreilles d'éléphant. Des murènes, des langoustes et de minuscules crabes flèches se cachent dans chaque fissure, crevasse, grotte et tunnel de ces magnifiques formations coralliennes. Ce ne sont là que quelques-unes des choses que vous verrez à Lighthouse Reef, Half Moon Cay et Turneffe Reef.
En savoir plus

Tous les samedis à 18 heures, le bateau quitte le quai du Radisson Ft. George pour la plongée sous-marine, situé au cœur du centre-ville de Belize City, pour une semaine de plongée sans souci à Lighthouse Reef, Half Moon Cay et le célèbre Blue Hole. Le mystique Blue Hole, un système de grottes d'eau douce effondrées, fait environ 1000 pieds de diamètre et plus de 400 pieds de profondeur. Le Blue Hole a été rendu célèbre par le pionnier de l'océan Jacques-Yves Cousteau qui l'a déclaré l'un des dix meilleurs sites de plongée au monde. En 1971, il a amené son navire, la Calypso, au Trou Bleu pour en cartographier les profondeurs. Une fois descendus dans le Blue Hole, les visiteurs verront de magnifiques formations verticales de stalactites. 

La plongée sous-marine sur les bateaux de croisière au Belize commence le dimanche matin et se termine le vendredi avant le déjeuner, lorsque le bateau rentre au port. Du dimanche au jeudi, la plongée est illimitée toute la journée et une plongée de nuit est proposée chaque soir.  Le vendredi, une demi-journée de plongée est proposée. Un voyage dans ce paradis d'Amérique centrale n'est pas complet sans une visite des ruines mayas du Belize, une descente en grotte à travers la jungle ou un tour de canopée à travers la cime des arbres. Les visites sont proposées le vendredi après-midi, mais un séjour prolongé est recommandé pour profiter pleinement des merveilles du Belize et de son coin des Caraïbes. Les clients peuvent profiter gratuitement de la piscine et du bar de l'hôtel Radisson Ft. George le samedi.

Glovers Reef


10.05.2025 7 nuits
1 place libre
CHF 3343
Départ: 10.05.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 17.05.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
1 place
CHF 3343
24.05.2025 7 nuits
1 place libre
CHF 3343
Départ: 24.05.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 31.05.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
1 place
CHF 3343
31.05.2025 7 nuits
14 places libres
CHF 2878
Départ: 31.05.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 07.06.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
14 places
CHF 2878
14.06.2025 7 nuits
6 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 14.06.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 21.06.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
6 places
CHF 3343
21.06.2025 7 nuits
8 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 21.06.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 28.06.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
8 places
CHF 3343
28.06.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 2878
Départ: 28.06.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 05.07.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 2878
05.07.2025 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 2878
Départ: 05.07.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 12.07.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 2878
12.07.2025 7 nuits
3 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 12.07.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 19.07.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
3 places
CHF 3343
19.07.2025 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 2878
Départ: 19.07.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 26.07.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 2878
26.07.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 2878
Départ: 26.07.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 02.08.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 2878
02.08.2025 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 02.08.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 09.08.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3343
09.08.2025 7 nuits
7 places libres
CHF 2508
Départ: 09.08.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 16.08.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
7 places
CHF 2508
16.08.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 16.08.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 23.08.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3343
23.08.2025 7 nuits
17 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 23.08.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 30.08.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
17 places
CHF 3343
30.08.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 30.08.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 06.09.2025 Unspecified
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3343
06.09.2025 7 nuits
6 places libres
CHF 2508
Départ: 06.09.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 13.09.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
6 places
CHF 2508
20.09.2025 10 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 20.09.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 30.09.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3343
01.10.2025 10 nuits
13 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 01.10.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 11.10.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
13 places
CHF 3343
11.10.2025 7 nuits
Glovers Reef
14 places libres
CHF 2508
Départ: 11.10.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 18.10.2025 Belize City
Lowest Priced Cabin
14 places
CHF 2508
18.10.2025 7 nuits
Glovers Reef
17 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 18.10.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 25.10.2025 Belize City
Lowest Priced Cabin
17 places
CHF 3343
25.10.2025 7 nuits
Glovers Reef
16 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 25.10.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 01.11.2025 Belize City
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3343
01.11.2025 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 01.11.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 08.11.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3343
08.11.2025 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 08.11.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 15.11.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3343
15.11.2025 7 nuits
17 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 15.11.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 22.11.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
17 places
CHF 3343
22.11.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 22.11.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 29.11.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3343
29.11.2025 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 29.11.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 06.12.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3343
06.12.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 06.12.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 13.12.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3343
13.12.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 13.12.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 20.12.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3343
20.12.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 20.12.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 27.12.2025 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3343
27.12.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3343
Départ: 27.12.2025 Belize City
Arrivée: 03.01.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3343
03.01.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 03.01.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 10.01.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
10.01.2026 7 nuits
15 places libres
CHF 2577
Départ: 10.01.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 17.01.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
15 places
CHF 2577
24.01.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 24.01.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 31.01.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
31.01.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 31.01.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 07.02.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
07.02.2026 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 07.02.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 14.02.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3436
14.02.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 14.02.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 21.02.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
21.02.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 21.02.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 28.02.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
28.02.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 28.02.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 07.03.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
07.03.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 07.03.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 14.03.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
14.03.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 14.03.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 21.03.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
21.03.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 21.03.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 28.03.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
28.03.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 28.03.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 04.04.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
04.04.2026 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 04.04.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 11.04.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3436
11.04.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 11.04.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 18.04.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
18.04.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 18.04.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 25.04.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
25.04.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 25.04.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 02.05.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
02.05.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 02.05.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 09.05.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
09.05.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 09.05.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 16.05.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
16.05.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 16.05.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 23.05.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
23.05.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 23.05.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 30.05.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
30.05.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 30.05.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 06.06.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
06.06.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 06.06.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 13.06.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
13.06.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 13.06.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 20.06.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
20.06.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 20.06.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 27.06.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
27.06.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 27.06.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 04.07.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
04.07.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 04.07.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 11.07.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
11.07.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 11.07.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 18.07.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
18.07.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 18.07.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 25.07.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
25.07.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 25.07.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 01.08.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
01.08.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 01.08.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 08.08.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
08.08.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 08.08.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 15.08.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
15.08.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 15.08.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 22.08.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
22.08.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 22.08.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 29.08.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
29.08.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 29.08.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 05.09.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
12.09.2026 10 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 12.09.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 22.09.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
23.09.2026 10 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 23.09.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 03.10.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
03.10.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 03.10.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 10.10.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
10.10.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 10.10.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 17.10.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
17.10.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 17.10.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 24.10.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
24.10.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 24.10.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 31.10.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
31.10.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 31.10.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 07.11.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
07.11.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 07.11.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 14.11.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
14.11.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 14.11.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 21.11.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
21.11.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 21.11.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 28.11.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
28.11.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 28.11.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 05.12.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
05.12.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 05.12.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 12.12.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
12.12.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 12.12.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 19.12.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
19.12.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 19.12.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 26.12.2026 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
26.12.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3436
Départ: 26.12.2026 Belize City
Arrivée: 02.01.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3436
02.01.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 02.01.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 09.01.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
09.01.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 09.01.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 16.01.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
20.02.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 20.02.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 27.02.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
27.02.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 27.02.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 06.03.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
06.03.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 06.03.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 13.03.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
13.03.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 13.03.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 20.03.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
20.03.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 20.03.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 27.03.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
27.03.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 27.03.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 03.04.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
03.04.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 03.04.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 10.04.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
10.04.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 10.04.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 17.04.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
17.04.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 17.04.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 24.04.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
24.04.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 24.04.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 01.05.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
01.05.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 01.05.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 08.05.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
08.05.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 08.05.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 15.05.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
15.05.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 15.05.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 22.05.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
22.05.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 22.05.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 29.05.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
29.05.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 29.05.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 05.06.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
05.06.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 05.06.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 12.06.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
12.06.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 12.06.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 19.06.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
19.06.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 19.06.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 26.06.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
26.06.2027 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 26.06.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 03.07.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3529
03.07.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 03.07.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 10.07.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
10.07.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 10.07.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 17.07.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
17.07.2027 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 17.07.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 24.07.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3529
24.07.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 24.07.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 31.07.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
31.07.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 31.07.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 07.08.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
07.08.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 07.08.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 14.08.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
14.08.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 14.08.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 21.08.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
21.08.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 21.08.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 28.08.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
28.08.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 28.08.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 04.09.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
11.09.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 11.09.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 18.09.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
18.09.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 18.09.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 25.09.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
25.09.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 25.09.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 02.10.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
02.10.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 02.10.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 09.10.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
09.10.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 09.10.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 16.10.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
16.10.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 16.10.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 23.10.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
23.10.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 23.10.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 30.10.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
30.10.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 30.10.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 06.11.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
06.11.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 06.11.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 13.11.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
13.11.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 13.11.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 20.11.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
20.11.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 20.11.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 27.11.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
27.11.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 27.11.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 04.12.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
04.12.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 04.12.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 11.12.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
11.12.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 11.12.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 18.12.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
18.12.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 18.12.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 25.12.2027 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
25.12.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 25.12.2027 Belize City
Arrivée: 01.01.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
01.01.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 01.01.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 08.01.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
08.01.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 08.01.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 15.01.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
22.01.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 22.01.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 29.01.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
29.01.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 29.01.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 05.02.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
05.02.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 05.02.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 12.02.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
12.02.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 12.02.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 19.02.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
19.02.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 19.02.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 26.02.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
26.02.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 26.02.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 04.03.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
04.03.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 04.03.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 11.03.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
11.03.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 11.03.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 18.03.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
18.03.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 18.03.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 25.03.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
25.03.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 25.03.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 01.04.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
01.04.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 01.04.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 08.04.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
08.04.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 08.04.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 15.04.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
15.04.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 15.04.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 22.04.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
22.04.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 22.04.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 29.04.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
29.04.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 29.04.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 06.05.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
06.05.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 06.05.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 13.05.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
13.05.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 13.05.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 20.05.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
20.05.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 20.05.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 27.05.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
27.05.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 27.05.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 03.06.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
03.06.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 03.06.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 10.06.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
10.06.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 10.06.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 17.06.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
17.06.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 17.06.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 24.06.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
24.06.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 24.06.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 01.07.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
01.07.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 01.07.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 08.07.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
08.07.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 08.07.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 15.07.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
15.07.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 15.07.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 22.07.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
22.07.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 22.07.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 29.07.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
29.07.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 29.07.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 05.08.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
05.08.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 05.08.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 12.08.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
12.08.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 12.08.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 19.08.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
19.08.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 19.08.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 26.08.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
26.08.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 26.08.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 02.09.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
09.09.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 09.09.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 16.09.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
16.09.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 16.09.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 23.09.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
23.09.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 23.09.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 30.09.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
30.09.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 30.09.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 07.10.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
07.10.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 07.10.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 14.10.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
14.10.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 14.10.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 21.10.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
21.10.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 21.10.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 28.10.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
28.10.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 28.10.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 04.11.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
04.11.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 04.11.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 11.11.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
11.11.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 11.11.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 18.11.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
18.11.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 18.11.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 25.11.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
25.11.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 25.11.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 02.12.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
02.12.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 02.12.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 09.12.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
09.12.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 09.12.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 16.12.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
16.12.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 16.12.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 23.12.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
23.12.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 23.12.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 30.12.2028 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529
30.12.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3529
Départ: 30.12.2028 Belize City
Arrivée: 06.01.2029 Belize City
Angel Fish Wall, Aquarium, Black Beauty, Blue Hole, Cathedral, Eagle Ray Wall, Elbow, Elk Horn Forest, Grand Bogue, Half Moon Caye, Half Moon Caye Wall, Long Caye Wall, Painted Wall, Que Brada, Silver Caves, Tarpon Caves, Triple Anchor, West Point 1&2, Wreck of the Sayonara
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3529