Galapagos Master

Die Galapagos Master ist ein umweltfreundliches Tauchsafariboot auf den Galapagosinseln.
Die 32 Meter lange Galapagos Master ist aus Stahl gebaut und hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, das umweltfreundlichste Tauchsafariboot auf den Galapagosinseln zu sein. Sie hat 8 gut ausgestattete, moderne Kabinen, einen geräumigen Innenraum und einen großzügigen Außenbereich zum Entspannen und für die Vorbereitung der Tauchausrüstung.
Mehr erfahren
Die Galapagos Master ist eine stabile Stahlyacht, die das ganze Jahr über Tauchrouten auf den Galapagos-Inseln anbietet. Es gibt 9 Kabinen mit Bad, die Platz für bis zu 16 Gäste an Bord bieten und auf dem Unter- und Oberdeck mit einer Auswahl an Einzel- oder Doppelbetten liegen.

Auf dem Mitteldeck befindet sich ein Lounge- und Essbereich im Inneren, der voll klimatisiert ist und über bequeme gepolsterte Sitzbänke sowie ein komplettes Unterhaltungssystem verfügt. Das Außendeck verfügt über schattige Sitzgelegenheiten, die sich hervorragend zum Entspannen zwischen den Tauchgängen eignen. Auf der Sonnenterrasse und der Cocktailbar auf der oberen Ebene treffen sich die Taucher, um die Abenteuer des Tages noch einmal Revue passieren zu lassen.

Impressionen: Galapagos Master

Ausstattung & Details

Technische Daten des Bootes

Gesprochene Sprache(n)English
Nitrox: verfügbar
Wifi:nicht verfügbar
Kapazität:16 Taucher
Material: Stahl
Lange:32.3 Meter
Breite:7.5 Meter
Max. Geschwindigkeit:9 Knoten
Motor:2x MTU 6062 475HP
Aufladestation:Camera table on dive deck
Ausrüstung Vermietung:Aqualung available for hire
Kompressor:3 x Coltri-Sub M16
Erste-Hilfe-Kit:First Aid Kits
Kit Sauerstoff:Oxygen Kit

Kabinentypen & Details

Classic Twin

Zweibett oder Doppelbett, Klimaanlage und eigenes Bad. Jede Kabine bietet einen atemberaubenden Blick auf den Galapagos-Archipel. Jede Kabine verfügt über ein eigenes Bad mit Warmwasser und reichlich Stauraum.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:2


Shower Towels:Yes

Classic Twin/Double

Doppelkabine: Doppelbett, Klimaanlage und eigenes Bad. Sie verfügt über acht klimatisierte Kabinen, die auf drei Decks verteilt sind. Jede Kabine bietet einen atemberaubenden Blick auf den Galapagos-Archipel. Jede Kabine verfügt über ein eigenes Bad mit Warmwasser und reichlich Stauraum.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:2


Shower Towels:Yes

Premium Twin/Double

Jede Kabine verfügt über ein eigenes Bad mit Warmwasser.

Kabintyp Details

Anzahl der Kabinen:4


Shower Towels:Yes

Routen und Details

Master the Galapagos

Reiseplan Master the Galapagos


03.04.2025 10 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
3 Plätze frei ( ) confirmed
CHF 9672
Abreise: 03.04.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 13.04.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
Classic Twin/Double
2 Plätze
CHF 9672
Premium Twin/Double
1 Platz()
CHF 9811
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
21.04.2025 10 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
4 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 9672
Abreise: 21.04.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 01.05.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 9672
Classic Twin/Double
Premium Twin/Double
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
05.05.2025 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
5 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5976 CHF 6640
Abreise: 05.05.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 12.05.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
3 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5976
Classic Twin/Double
2 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5976
Premium Twin/Double
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
19.05.2025 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
5 Plätze frei ( ) confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 19.05.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 26.05.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
1 Platz()
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
Premium Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
09.06.2025 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
1 Platz frei ( ) confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 09.06.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 16.06.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
Classic Twin/Double
1 Platz()
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
16.06.2025 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
2 Plätze frei ( ) confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 16.06.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 23.06.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
1 Platz
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
1 Platz()
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
30.06.2025 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
6 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 30.06.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 07.07.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
Premium Twin/Double
2 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
28.07.2025 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
2 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 28.07.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 04.08.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
2 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
Premium Twin/Double
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
25.08.2025 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
9 Plätze frei ( ) confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 25.08.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 01.09.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Premium Twin/Double
1 Platz()
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
08.09.2025 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
14 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 08.09.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 15.09.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Premium Twin/Double
6 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
20.10.2025 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
3 Plätze frei ( ) confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 20.10.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 27.10.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
2 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
Premium Twin/Double
1 Platz()
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
17.11.2025 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
2 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6737
Abreise: 17.11.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 24.11.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
Classic Twin/Double
Premium Twin/Double
2 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
01.12.2025 10 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
2 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 9672
Abreise: 01.12.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 11.12.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
2 Plätze
CHF 9672
Classic Twin/Double
Premium Twin/Double
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
15.12.2025 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
10 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 15.12.2025 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 22.12.2025 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Premium Twin/Double
2 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
05.01.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
12 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 05.01.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 12.01.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Premium Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
12.01.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 12.01.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 19.01.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
26.01.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 26.01.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 02.02.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
02.02.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 02.02.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 09.02.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
09.02.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 09.02.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 16.02.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
16.02.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 16.02.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 23.02.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
02.03.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
14 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 02.03.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 09.03.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Premium Twin/Double
6 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
30.03.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 5644 CHF 6640
Abreise: 30.03.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 06.04.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640 CHF 5644
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737 CHF 5726
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
06.04.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 06.04.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 13.04.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
20.04.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 20.04.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 27.04.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
27.04.2026 10 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
12 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 9672
Abreise: 27.04.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 07.05.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
3 Plätze
CHF 9672
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 9672
Premium Twin/Double
5 Plätze
CHF 9811
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
01.06.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 01.06.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 08.06.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
08.06.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 08.06.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 15.06.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
15.06.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 15.06.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 22.06.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
22.06.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 22.06.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 29.06.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
29.06.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 29.06.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 06.07.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
13.07.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 13.07.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 20.07.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
17.08.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 17.08.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 24.08.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
09.11.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 09.11.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 16.11.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
23.11.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 23.11.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 30.11.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
30.11.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 30.11.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 07.12.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
07.12.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 07.12.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 14.12.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
14.12.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 14.12.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 21.12.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
21.12.2026 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 21.12.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 28.12.2026 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
28.12.2026 10 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
12 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 9672
Abreise: 28.12.2026 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 07.01.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 9672
Classic Twin/Double
2 Plätze
CHF 9672
Premium Twin/Double
6 Plätze
CHF 9811
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
07.01.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 07.01.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 14.01.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
22.03.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 22.03.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 29.03.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
05.04.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 05.04.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 12.04.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
12.04.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 12.04.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 19.04.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
19.04.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 19.04.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 26.04.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
10.05.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 10.05.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 17.05.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
17.05.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 17.05.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 24.05.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
31.05.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 31.05.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 07.06.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
07.06.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 07.06.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 14.06.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
14.06.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 14.06.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 21.06.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
21.06.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 21.06.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 28.06.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
28.06.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 28.06.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 05.07.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
05.07.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 05.07.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 12.07.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
12.07.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 12.07.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 19.07.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
19.07.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 19.07.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 26.07.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
11.10.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
8 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 11.10.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 18.10.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
18.10.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
15 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 18.10.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 25.10.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
7 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
15.11.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 15.11.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 22.11.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
22.11.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 22.11.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 29.11.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
29.11.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 29.11.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 06.12.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
13.12.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 13.12.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 20.12.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
20.12.2027 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 20.12.2027 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 27.12.2027 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
03.01.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 03.01.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 10.01.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
10.01.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 10.01.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 17.01.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
17.01.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 17.01.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 24.01.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
24.01.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 24.01.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 31.01.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
31.01.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 31.01.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 07.02.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
07.02.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 07.02.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 14.02.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
14.02.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 14.02.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 21.02.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
28.02.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 28.02.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 06.03.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
20.03.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 20.03.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 27.03.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
27.03.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 27.03.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 03.04.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
03.04.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 03.04.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 10.04.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
10.04.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 10.04.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 17.04.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
17.04.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 17.04.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 24.04.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
24.04.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 24.04.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 01.05.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
01.05.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 01.05.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 08.05.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
08.05.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 08.05.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 15.05.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
15.05.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 15.05.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 22.05.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
22.05.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 22.05.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 29.05.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
29.05.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 29.05.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 05.06.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
12.06.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 12.06.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 19.06.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
26.06.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 26.06.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 03.07.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
03.07.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 03.07.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 10.07.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
10.07.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 10.07.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 17.07.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
17.07.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 17.07.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 24.07.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
24.07.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 24.07.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 31.07.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
31.07.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 31.07.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 07.08.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
07.08.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 07.08.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 14.08.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
14.08.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 14.08.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 21.08.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
21.08.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 21.08.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 28.08.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
28.08.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 28.08.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 04.09.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
18.09.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 18.09.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 25.09.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
09.10.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 09.10.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 16.10.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
16.10.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 16.10.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 23.10.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
30.10.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 30.10.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 06.11.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
06.11.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 06.11.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 13.11.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
13.11.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 13.11.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 20.11.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
20.11.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 20.11.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 27.11.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
27.11.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 27.11.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 04.12.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
11.12.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 11.12.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 18.12.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
18.12.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 18.12.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 25.12.2028 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200
25.12.2028 7 Nächte
Master the Galapagos
16 Plätze frei confirmed
CHF 6640
Abreise: 25.12.2028 San Cristóbal
Ankunft: 01.01.2029 San Cristóbal
Punta Carrion, Seymour North, Mosqueras, Wolf Island, Darwin Island, Douglas Cape, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Albermale, Roca Redonda, Cabo Marshall, Cousin’s Rock
Classic Twin
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Classic Twin/Double
4 Plätze
CHF 6640
Premium Twin/Double
8 Plätze
CHF 6737
Ingala Transit Control Card (In airport, per trip)
USD 20
Galapagos National Park Fee (In airport, per trip)
USD 200