Palau Aggressor 2

Le Palau Aggressor 2 offre des safaris de plongée avec confort, sécurité et stabilité.
Le Palau Aggressor II mesure 106 pieds (environ 32 m) de long, avec une largeur de 30 pieds (environ 9 m), construit et propulsé pour le confort, la sécurité et la stabilité. Il dispose d'un beau salon spacieux, d'un pont soleil de 50 pieds (environ 15 m) avec ombrage, chaises longues et chaises de pont, d'un bar, d'un barbecue et d'un centre photo/vidéo complet. Le bateau peut accueillir 18 hôtes dans 9 cabines spacieuses avec salle de bain et climatisation.
En savoir plus

Le Palau Aggressor II et le Rock Islands Aggressor sont des navires jumeaux et mesurent 106 pieds (environ 32 m) de long, avec une largeur de 30 pieds (environ 9 m), construits et propulsés pour le confort, la sécurité et la stabilité. Ils disposent d'un beau salon spacieux, d'un pont soleil de 50 pieds (environ 15 m) avec ombrage, chaises longues et chaises de pont, d'un bar, d'un barbecue et d'un centre photo/vidéo complet.  Ils sont propulsés au diesel, naviguent à 10 nœuds et ont du courant 110 volts à bord.

Le Palau Aggressor II peut accueillir 18 hôtes dans 9 cabines spacieuses. 8 cabines Deluxe disposent d'un lit double et d'un lit simple. La cabine double (n° 9) dispose d'un lit complet et d'un lit simple. La cabine n° 9 se trouve au niveau du pont de plongée. Chaque cabine dispose d'un espace de rangement supplémentaire et d'une climatisation individuelle. 

Toutes les plongées sont effectuées par des skiffs hors-bord de 35 pieds à grande vitesse, spécialement conçus pour transporter 18 invités et atteindre rapidement les sites de plongée les plus éloignés.

Impressions: Palau Aggressor 2

Equipement & Détails

Spécifications techniques du bateau

langue(s) parlée(s) à bordEnglish
Nitrox: disponible
Wifi:non disponible
Capacité:18 Plongeurs
Matériel: acier
année de construction:
Longueur:32 Mètres
Largeur:9 Mètres
Vitesse max.:10 Nœud
Moteur:two main drive engines
Station de charge:complete photo center with a digital video and still photo editing computer
Espace appareils photo:camera table with low-pressure air hoses
Location d’équipement:A full line of Aqua Lung rental gear is available including regulators, BCs, dive computers etc.
Compresseur:High pressure compressor for diving air
Téléphone satellite:Yes, guests can use at surcharge
Kit premier secours:Complete First Aid Kit and medical supplies
Kit oxygène:Portable + 350 cu/ft Storage
Défibrillateur:Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)

Types de cabines & informations détaillées

Lowest Priced Cabin

Cabine de luxe (8x) : Lit double (en bas) et lit simple (en haut) superposés, salle de bain privée avec douche, armoire, fenêtre à bâbord, climatisation individuelle et sèche-cheveux. Cabine double (1x) : Lit double (en bas) et lit simple (en haut) en construction superposée, climatisation individuelle et sèche-cheveux. Située sur le pont de plongée.

Informations sur le type de cabine

Anzahl der Kabinen:9

Salle de bain

Shower Towels:

Itinéraires et informations


Des eaux vierges et une vie piscicole étonnante.
Les îles rocheuses en forme de champignon de Palau offrent une variété de plongées passionnantes : Des épaves de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des canaux infestés de requins, des trous bleus, et même quelques grottes. Il y a aussi des murs à pic couverts de coraux mous luxuriants et d'énormes anémones. Les plongeurs débutants peuvent être confrontés aux forts courants de Palau.
En savoir plus

Palau est une destination toute l'année avec quelque chose pour chaque saison.  Alors que German Channel a de nombreuses raies Manta résidentes, pendant la saison des amours, de décembre à mars, les invités de l'Agresseur peuvent voir jusqu'à 20 - 30 raies !  Février et mars offrent de grands bancs d'idoles mauresques, de poissons licornes et plusieurs espèces de poissons papillons.  Tout au long de l'année, l'équipage du ROCK ISLANDS AGGRESSOR™ rencontre d'énormes boules de chinchards dans et autour d'Ulong et du German Channel et sur les récifs de Blue Corner et Siaes Corner.


27.04.2025 7 nuits
1 place libre
CHF 2729
Départ: 27.04.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 04.05.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
1 place
CHF 2729
18.05.2025 7 nuits
4 places libres
CHF 2729
Départ: 18.05.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 25.05.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
4 places
CHF 2729
25.05.2025 7 nuits
1 place libre
CHF 2745
Départ: 25.05.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 01.06.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
1 place
CHF 2745
01.06.2025 7 nuits
3 places libres
CHF 2543
Départ: 01.06.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 08.06.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
3 places
CHF 2543
08.06.2025 7 nuits
1 place libre
CHF 2543
Départ: 08.06.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 15.06.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
1 place
CHF 2543
15.06.2025 7 nuits
11 places libres
CHF 2729
Départ: 15.06.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 22.06.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
11 places
CHF 2729
22.06.2025 7 nuits
4 places libres
CHF 2729
Départ: 22.06.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 29.06.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
4 places
CHF 2729
06.07.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 06.07.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 13.07.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3473
13.07.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 13.07.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 20.07.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3473
20.07.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 20.07.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 27.07.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3473
27.07.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 27.07.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 03.08.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3473
03.08.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 03.08.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 10.08.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3473
10.08.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 10.08.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 17.08.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3473
17.08.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 17.08.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 24.08.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3473
24.08.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 24.08.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 31.08.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3473
07.09.2025 7 nuits
15 places libres
CHF 2745
Départ: 07.09.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 14.09.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
15 places
CHF 2745
14.09.2025 7 nuits
6 places libres
CHF 2745
Départ: 14.09.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 21.09.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
6 places
CHF 2745
21.09.2025 7 nuits
14 places libres
CHF 2543
Départ: 21.09.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 28.09.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
14 places
CHF 2543
28.09.2025 7 nuits
17 places libres
CHF 2543
Départ: 28.09.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 05.10.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
17 places
CHF 2543
12.10.2025 7 nuits
3 places libres
CHF 2729
Départ: 12.10.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 19.10.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
3 places
CHF 2729
19.10.2025 7 nuits
4 places libres
CHF 2543
Départ: 19.10.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 26.10.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
4 places
CHF 2543
26.10.2025 7 nuits
2 places libres
CHF 2729
Départ: 26.10.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 02.11.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
2 places
CHF 2729
23.11.2025 7 nuits
5 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 23.11.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 30.11.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
5 places
CHF 3473
30.11.2025 7 nuits
13 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 30.11.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 07.12.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
13 places
CHF 3659
07.12.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 07.12.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 14.12.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3473
14.12.2025 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 14.12.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 21.12.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3473
21.12.2025 7 nuits
13 places libres
CHF 3473
Départ: 21.12.2025 Koror
Arrivée: 28.12.2025 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
13 places
CHF 3473
04.01.2026 7 nuits
10 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 04.01.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 11.01.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
10 places
CHF 3566
11.01.2026 7 nuits
1 place libre
CHF 3566
Départ: 11.01.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 18.01.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
1 place
CHF 3566
18.01.2026 7 nuits
8 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 18.01.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 25.01.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
8 places
CHF 3752
01.02.2026 7 nuits
9 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 01.02.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 08.02.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
9 places
CHF 3566
22.02.2026 7 nuits
7 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 22.02.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 01.03.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
7 places
CHF 3566
01.03.2026 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 01.03.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 08.03.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3566
26.04.2026 7 nuits
16 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 26.04.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 03.05.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
16 places
CHF 3566
03.05.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 03.05.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 10.05.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
10.05.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 10.05.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 17.05.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
17.05.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 17.05.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 24.05.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
24.05.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 24.05.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 31.05.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
31.05.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 31.05.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 07.06.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
07.06.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 07.06.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 14.06.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
14.06.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 14.06.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 21.06.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
21.06.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 21.06.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 28.06.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
05.07.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 05.07.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 12.07.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
12.07.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 12.07.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 19.07.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
19.07.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 19.07.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 26.07.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
26.07.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 26.07.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 02.08.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
02.08.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 02.08.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 09.08.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
09.08.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 09.08.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 16.08.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
16.08.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 16.08.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 23.08.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
23.08.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 23.08.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 30.08.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
30.08.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 30.08.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 06.09.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
06.09.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 06.09.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 13.09.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
13.09.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 13.09.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 20.09.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
20.09.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 20.09.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 27.09.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
27.09.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 27.09.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 04.10.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
04.10.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 04.10.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 11.10.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
11.10.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 11.10.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 18.10.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
18.10.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 18.10.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 25.10.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
25.10.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 25.10.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 01.11.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
01.11.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 01.11.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 08.11.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
08.11.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 08.11.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 15.11.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
15.11.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 15.11.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 22.11.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
22.11.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 22.11.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 29.11.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
29.11.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 29.11.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 06.12.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
06.12.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 06.12.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 13.12.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
13.12.2026 7 nuits
8 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 13.12.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 20.12.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
8 places
CHF 3566
20.12.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 20.12.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 27.12.2026 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
27.12.2026 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3566
Départ: 27.12.2026 Koror
Arrivée: 03.01.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3566
03.01.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 03.01.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 10.01.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
28.01.2027 10 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 5227
Départ: 28.01.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 07.02.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 5227
07.02.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 07.02.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 14.02.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
14.02.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 14.02.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 21.02.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
28.02.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 28.02.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 07.03.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
28.03.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 28.03.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 04.04.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
04.04.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 04.04.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 11.04.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
11.04.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 11.04.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 18.04.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
18.04.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 18.04.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 25.04.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
25.04.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 25.04.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 02.05.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
11.07.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 11.07.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 18.07.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
18.07.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 18.07.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 25.07.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
25.07.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 25.07.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 01.08.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
01.08.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 01.08.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 08.08.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
08.08.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 08.08.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 15.08.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
15.08.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 15.08.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 22.08.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
22.08.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 22.08.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 29.08.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
29.08.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 29.08.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 05.09.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
05.09.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 05.09.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 12.09.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
12.09.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 12.09.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 19.09.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
19.09.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 19.09.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 26.09.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
26.09.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 26.09.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 03.10.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
03.10.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 03.10.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 10.10.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
10.10.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 10.10.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 17.10.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
17.10.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 17.10.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 24.10.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
24.10.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 24.10.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 31.10.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
31.10.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 31.10.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 07.11.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
07.11.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 07.11.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 14.11.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
14.11.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 14.11.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 21.11.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
21.11.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 21.11.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 28.11.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
28.11.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 28.11.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 05.12.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
05.12.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 05.12.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 12.12.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
12.12.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 12.12.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 19.12.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
19.12.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 19.12.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 26.12.2027 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
26.12.2027 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3659
Départ: 26.12.2027 Koror
Arrivée: 02.01.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3659
02.01.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 02.01.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 09.01.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
09.01.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 09.01.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 16.01.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
16.01.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 16.01.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 23.01.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
23.01.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 23.01.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 30.01.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
30.01.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 30.01.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 06.02.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
06.02.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 06.02.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 13.02.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
13.02.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 13.02.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 20.02.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
20.02.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 20.02.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 27.02.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
27.02.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 27.02.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 05.03.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
05.03.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 05.03.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 12.03.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
12.03.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 12.03.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 19.03.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
19.03.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 19.03.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 26.03.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
26.03.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 26.03.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 02.04.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
02.04.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 02.04.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 09.04.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
09.04.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 09.04.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 16.04.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
16.04.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 16.04.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 23.04.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
23.04.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 23.04.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 30.04.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
30.04.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 30.04.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 07.05.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
07.05.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 07.05.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 14.05.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
14.05.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 14.05.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 21.05.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
21.05.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 21.05.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 28.05.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
28.05.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 28.05.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 04.06.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
04.06.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 04.06.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 11.06.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
11.06.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 11.06.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 18.06.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
18.06.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 18.06.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 25.06.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
25.06.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 25.06.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 02.07.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
02.07.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 02.07.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 09.07.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
09.07.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 09.07.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 16.07.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
16.07.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 16.07.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 23.07.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
23.07.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 23.07.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 30.07.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
30.07.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 30.07.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 06.08.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
06.08.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 06.08.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 13.08.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
13.08.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 13.08.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 20.08.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
20.08.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 20.08.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 27.08.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
27.08.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 27.08.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 03.09.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
03.09.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 03.09.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 10.09.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
10.09.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 10.09.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 17.09.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
17.09.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 17.09.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 24.09.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
24.09.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 24.09.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 01.10.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
01.10.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 01.10.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 08.10.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
08.10.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 08.10.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 15.10.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
15.10.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 15.10.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 22.10.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
22.10.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 22.10.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 29.10.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
29.10.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 29.10.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 05.11.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
05.11.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 05.11.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 12.11.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
12.11.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 12.11.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 19.11.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
19.11.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 19.11.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 26.11.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
26.11.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 26.11.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 03.12.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
03.12.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 03.12.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 10.12.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
10.12.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 10.12.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 17.12.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
17.12.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 17.12.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 24.12.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
24.12.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 24.12.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 31.12.2028 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752
31.12.2028 7 nuits
18 places libres
CHF 3752
Départ: 31.12.2028 Koror
Arrivée: 07.01.2029 Koror
Big Drop-Off, Blue Corner, Blue Holes, Chandelier Caves, Denges Passage, German Channel, New Drop-Off, Ngedebus Coral Gardens, Ngerchong, Peleliu, Short Drop-Off, Siaes Tunnel, Ulong Channel, Wonder Channel, Wreck of the Iro Maru
Lowest Priced Cabin
18 places
CHF 3752