Omneia Spirit

L’Omneia Spirit, c'est une bouffée d'air frais avec un concept unique !
L’Omneia Spirit est un bateau de 42 mètres de grande qualité et super moderne. Le pont de plongée bien conçu offre tout ce dont un plongeur a besoin : Nitrox, Trimix ainsi qu’un grand espace pour les photographes. Il a été achevé en 2018 et peut accueillir un maximum de 26 personnes. Il y a deux cabines lits jumeaux et une suite sur le pont supérieur. Le pont principal comprend six cabines lits jumeaux et une cabine simple et le pont inférieur abrite deux cabines lits jumeaux et une suite.
En savoir plus

L'Omneia Spirit apporte une bouffée d'air frais avec un concept unique. Contrairement aux bateaux de croisière conventionnels, la cuisine et le restaurant de l'Omneia Spirit sont situés sur le pont inférieur. La plupart des cabines sont situées sur le pont principal lumineux et offrent une belle vue sur la mer. Vous pourrez également admirer le panorama durant le dîner : l'un des trois solariums est doté d'un grand coin repas.

L'Omneia Spirit de 42 mètres de long est moderne et meublé avec une grande attention aux détails : un véritable bateau de plaisance de grande qualité. Le pont de plongée bien conçu offre tout ce dont un plongeur a besoin : Nitrox, Trimix, scooters et un grand espace pour les photographes.

Impressions: Omneia Spirit

Equipement & Détails

Spécifications techniques du bateau

langue(s) parlée(s) à bordEnglish
Nitrox: disponible gratuitement
Wifi:non disponible
Capacité:25 Plongeurs
Matériel: acier
année de construction:2018
Longueur:42,5 Mètres
Largeur:9 Mètres
Vitesse max.:18 Nœud
Moteur:2x MAN 1200HP
Station de charge:yes
Espace appareils photo:yes
Location d’équipement:yes, full Equipment 15 sets, dive computer x10, torches x 10
Compresseur:2x Bauer
Téléphone satellite:Yes, captain/crew only
Kit premier secours:First Aid Kits
Kit oxygène:Oxygen Kit

Types de cabines & informations détaillées

Twin lower deck

Le pont inférieur abrite deux cabines lits jumeaux et une suite.

Informations sur le type de cabine

Anzahl der Kabinen:2

Salle de bain

Shower Towels:

Suite lower deck

Le pont inférieur abrite deux cabines lits jumeaux et une suite.

Informations sur le type de cabine

Anzahl der Kabinen:1

Salle de bain

Shower Towels:

Twin main deck

Le pont principal comprend six cabines lits jumeaux et une cabine simple.

Informations sur le type de cabine

Anzahl der Kabinen:6

Salle de bain

Shower Towels:

Single main deck

Le pont principal comprend six cabines lits jumeaux et une cabine simple.

Informations sur le type de cabine

Anzahl der Kabinen:1

Salle de bain

Shower Towels:

Twin upper deck

Il y a deux cabines lits jumeaux et une suite sur le pont supérieur.

Informations sur le type de cabine

Anzahl der Kabinen:2

Salle de bain

Shower Towels:

Master Suite upper deck

Il y a deux cabines lits jumeaux et une suite sur le pont supérieur.

Informations sur le type de cabine

Anzahl der Kabinen:1

Salle de bain

Shower Towels:

Itinéraires et informations

North - Wreck

St. Johns

Discover with us the cave passages and colorful coral reefs and many more Marine life!
The area of St. Johns peculiarity lies in the formation of its sea-bed, which in this area between the coast and the Island of Zabargad forms a type of underwater plain, with depths ranging from 60 to 80 meters. There is some excellent diving in this area due to the rich Marine fauna and flora.
En savoir plus

The dive sites can be the following, the sail to the dive sites always depending on the actual wind and weather conditions!

Marsa Shuna
The corner and outside north of Shuna is unique for its sprawling sand plateau. Littered in table corals of all shapes and sizes, pick your depth on the gradual slope and see what's hiding beneath each one. Blue spot rays are abundant, but certain times of year bring in breeding guitar rays and other surprises.
Abu Galawa Soraya
Abu Galawa Soraya lies in the western part of the Fury Shoals about 12 km from Wadi Lahmi on the mainland. The site is not part of the large main reef, but rather a nameless approximately 100 m wide remote reef to the west. The site is popular because of its shallow depth, excellent visibility and weak current, it offers perfect conditions even for beginners.
Shaab Marsa Alam
Shaab Marsa Alam is a large semi-circular reef shaped like a bean. It is surrounded by sandy bottom with isolated rock and reef formations. The north-eastern part is particularly impressive, with a unique and, above all, species-rich coral garden. It is not uncommon to see reef sharks here. If there is a current and with a bit of luck you can also see small black tip sharks or Longimanus.
Fury Shoals
The Fury Shoals make up several reefs along the Southwest Red Sea coast, offering amazing scuba diving opportunities with some of the most pristine reefs in Egypt. The marine life is also really great with all the usual reef fishes of the Red Sea and various species of reef Sharks (Whitetip, Grey) and even sometimes the curious Oceanic Whitetip Shark. Pelagic fishes such Barracudas, Giant Trevallies, Dogtooth Tunas are also common in the area.
Shaab Maksur
Shaab Maksur is a small but long reef with a plateau in the north and south and drop offs in the west and east side. At the north terraced plateau, you can see often dolphins, barracudas or reef sharks passing by.

North - Ras Mohamed - Straits of Tiran - Dahab

North incl. Ras Mohammed

Brother Islands - Deadalus - Elphinstone

Do not miss to dive at the most famous dive sites of the Red Sea!
Brother Islands - Daedalus - Elphinstone - The best of the Red Sea!
En savoir plus

The Brother Islands one of the best diving spots in the world. The Little Brother has a very high concentration of life in a much reduced area. The walls are covered with all kinds of hard and soft corals and with sponges, anemones. To see hammerheads, thresher sharks, grey reef sharks, silver tip and white tip reef sharks is not unusual . About one km north of the Little Brother lays the Big Brother. In the middle of the island, is a lighthouse situated. If waether conditions allow it you can dive the wreck NUMIDIA which lies upon the reef on the northern side of the island. This 150m long ship sunk in 1901 and is now completely covered with both hard and soft corals and gorgonias. At the North-West side of the island you will find the other wreck: the AIDA. This 82m long steam ship sunk 1957. The remaining pieces of the wreck are scattered all over the reef and just the back side of the hull can be found between 34m and 60m. It is nicely overgrown and worth to visit. Because of strong current and may be high waves it is not easy to dive at the Brother’s. This safari is only for experienced divers.

The Daedalus Reef is a huge reef formation that lies at about 180km south of Brother Islands. The reef is surrounded by a sheer wall all around, featuring a plateau on its southern side that goes from 28 m beside the reef to 40m on the edge of the drop-off. Reef and hammerhead sharks are often seen here.

The Reef of Elphinstone, a really legendary reef, is one of the most beautiful reefs in the Red Sea, with its north and south plateau, and the walls covered with soft corals, black corals, wire corals and gorgonias. Hammerheads, oceanic white tip sharks and grey reef sharks can also be spotted here.

North - Ras Mohammed - Straits of Tiran

This diving itinerary combines the most famous wrecks in the northern Red Sea.
Dive the famous four wrecks of Abu Nuhas, the Ships’ Graveyard. This reef lies close to the ship-lane toward the Suez Canal and has claimed more ships than any other in the Red Sea.
En savoir plus

The wrecks are very scenic, covered in corals and they are fantastic for photography, especially the Carnatic, having sunk in 1869.

The very famous SS Thistlegorm and the recently discovered Rosalie Moeller are World War II wrecks and one of the highlights of this cruise. The SS Thistlegorm sunk in 1941, having been bombed by the Germans while on a mission to deliver a cargo of ammunition and war materials to the British troops in North Africa. The Rosalie Moeller, a British coal cargo, suffered the same demise only two days later.

This Red Sea diving safari will also take you to Ras Mohamed National Park at the tip of Sinai, famous for its breath-taking walls rich in soft and fan corals and populated with huge shoals of fish. Nutrient-rich sediments from the Golf of Aqaba attract many fish species and also feed the coral polyps creating a paradise for divers.

Dive the 4 famous reefs of the Strait of Tiran, Jackson, Woodhouse, Thomas & Gordon. These magnificent formations, rising from the depth, are often frequented by large pelagic due to the abundance of currents.

Daedalus - South till Dolphin House

North - Brother Islands

South trip till Dolphin House Sataya

One of the great chances to discover the hidden treasures of the Red Sea, also for beginner levels!
Coral gardens, wrecks and steep wall reefs - this tour is exciting for experienced and not so experienced divers alike.
En savoir plus

Sataya reef is located to the South of Marsa Alam, in the area of Wadi Gimal is Shaab Sharm. A huge reef with colorful overgrown drop offs on the north and north-west side and a gorgonia wall between 17m and 22m in the east direction. The plateau on the east side, starting from 18m to 32m depth, with its coral block formations is the home of a lot of marine life. Doctor fishes, different kinds of reef fishes, napoleons and small critters – very often you see a turtle eating and resting. The plateau continues small along the south side of the main reef. Dolphins, sharks and mantas patrol along the reef in the blue. Shilineat in Wadi Gimal is the aquarium. Along the beautiful hard coral garden on the west side and in the high number of blocks in the sandy area beside the reef you can rummage for camouflage artists and small critters. In maximum 16m and with the white sand and the sunlight it is amazing and full of small fishes and species. Very often there are turtles or dolphins around.

Daedalus - Rocky Island - Zabargad

Rocky Island - Zabargad - Abu Fandera


22.04.2025 9 nuits
St. Johns
2 places libres ( ) confirmed
CHF 1781
Départ: 22.04.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 01.05.2025 Unspecified
Abu Dabbab, Abu Galawa Kebir, Cave Reef - Malahi Sirnaka, Elphinstone, Gota Kebir, Gota Soraya, Habili Kebir, Habili Soraya, Malahi Sataya, Marsa Alam, Marsa Mubarak, Paradise Reef, Shaab Maksur, Shaak Nakari, Shaab Sataya, Shaab Sharm Wadi Gamal, Shaab Shuna, Sirnaka-Mikawa Island, Um El Aruk
Twin lower deck
2 places()
CHF 1781
Suite lower deck
Twin main deck
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
Master Suite upper deck
01.05.2025 7 nuits
North - Ras Mohamed - Straits of Tiran - Dahab
2 places libres confirmed
CHF 1365
Départ: 01.05.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 08.05.2025 Unspecified
Twin lower deck
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 1365
Twin main deck
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
Master Suite upper deck
08.05.2025 7 nuits
North incl. Ras Mohammed
11 places libres ( ) confirmed
CHF 1137
Départ: 08.05.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 15.05.2025 Unspecified
Abu Nuhas, Carnatic, Abu Nuhas, Chrisula K., Abu Nuhas, Giannis D, Thistlegorm, Ras Mohammed
Twin lower deck
4 places
CHF 1137
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 1216
Twin main deck
2 places
CHF 1216
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
1 place()
CHF 1216
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 1335
22.05.2025 7 nuits
Brother Islands - Deadalus - Elphinstone
16 places libres ( ) confirmed
CHF 1236
Départ: 22.05.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 29.05.2025 Unspecified
Abu Dabbab, Big Brother, Little Brother, Daedalus, Abu El Kizan, Elphinstone, Marsa Alam, Marsa Mubarak, Shaab Shuna
Twin lower deck
2 places
CHF 1236
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 1315
Twin main deck
9 places
CHF 1315
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
1 place()
CHF 1315
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 1434
29.05.2025 7 nuits
North - Ras Mohammed - Straits of Tiran
7 places libres cancelled
CHF 1385
Départ: 29.05.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 05.06.2025 Unspecified
Ras Mohammed, Abu Nuhas, Giannis D, Abu Nuhas, Carnatic, Thistlegorm, Gordon Reef
Twin lower deck
2 places
CHF 1385
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 1464
Twin main deck
Single main deck
1 place
CHF 1751
Twin upper deck
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 1583
12.06.2025 7 nuits
North - Ras Mohammed - Straits of Tiran
14 places libres confirmed
CHF 1464
Départ: 12.06.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 19.06.2025 Unspecified
Ras Mohammed, Abu Nuhas, Giannis D, Abu Nuhas, Carnatic, Thistlegorm, Gordon Reef
Twin lower deck
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 1464
Twin main deck
10 places
CHF 1464
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 1583
19.06.2025 7 nuits
North - Ras Mohammed - Straits of Tiran
17 places libres ( ) confirmed
CHF 1385
Départ: 19.06.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 26.06.2025 Unspecified
Ras Mohammed, Abu Nuhas, Giannis D, Abu Nuhas, Carnatic, Thistlegorm, Gordon Reef
Twin lower deck
2 places
CHF 1385
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 1464
Twin main deck
12 places
CHF 1464
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
1 place()
CHF 1464
Master Suite upper deck
26.06.2025 7 nuits
Daedalus - South till Dolphin House
20 places libres confirmed
CHF 1385
Départ: 26.06.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 03.07.2025 Unspecified
Twin lower deck
4 places
CHF 1385
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 1464
Twin main deck
12 places
CHF 1464
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 1583
24.07.2025 7 nuits
Brother Islands - Deadalus - Elphinstone
18 places libres confirmed
CHF 1335
Départ: 24.07.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 31.07.2025 Unspecified
Abu Dabbab, Big Brother, Little Brother, Daedalus, Abu El Kizan, Elphinstone, Marsa Alam, Marsa Mubarak, Shaab Shuna
Twin lower deck
4 places
CHF 1335
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 1414
Twin main deck
10 places
CHF 1414
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 1533
28.08.2025 7 nuits
Brother Islands - Deadalus - Elphinstone
24 places libres confirmed
CHF 1335
Départ: 28.08.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 04.09.2025 Unspecified
Abu Dabbab, Big Brother, Little Brother, Daedalus, Abu El Kizan, Elphinstone, Marsa Alam, Marsa Mubarak, Shaab Shuna
Twin lower deck
3 places
CHF 1335
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 1414
Twin main deck
12 places
CHF 1414
Single main deck
1 place
CHF 1701
Twin upper deck
4 places
CHF 1414
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 1533
04.09.2025 7 nuits
South trip till Dolphin House Sataya
18 places libres confirmed
CHF 1236
Départ: 04.09.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 11.09.2025 Unspecified
Twin lower deck
4 places
CHF 1236
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 1315
Twin main deck
6 places
CHF 1315
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
4 places
CHF 1315
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 1434
25.09.2025 7 nuits
North - Ras Mohammed - Straits of Tiran
16 places libres ( ) confirmed
CHF 1434
Départ: 25.09.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 02.10.2025 Unspecified
Ras Mohammed, Abu Nuhas, Giannis D, Abu Nuhas, Carnatic, Thistlegorm, Gordon Reef
Twin lower deck
4 places
CHF 1434
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 1513
Twin main deck
7 places
CHF 1513
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
1 place()
CHF 1513
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 1632
20.10.2025 10 nuits
Brother Islands - Deadalus - Elphinstone
14 places libres confirmed
CHF 2153
Départ: 20.10.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 30.10.2025 Unspecified
Abu Dabbab, Big Brother, Little Brother, Daedalus, Abu El Kizan, Elphinstone, Marsa Alam, Marsa Mubarak, Shaab Shuna
Twin lower deck
2 places
CHF 2153
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 2272
Twin main deck
10 places
CHF 2272
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
Master Suite upper deck
30.10.2025 7 nuits
Daedalus - Rocky Island - Zabargad
10 places libres confirmed
CHF 1434
Départ: 30.10.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 06.11.2025 Unspecified
Abu Dabbab, Abu Galawa Kebir, Elphinstone, Malahi Sataya, Marsa Alam, Marsa Mubarak, Rocky Island, Shaab Maksur, Shaab Sharm Wadi Gamal, Zabargad
Twin lower deck
4 places
CHF 1434
Suite lower deck
Twin main deck
4 places
CHF 1513
Single main deck
Twin upper deck
2 places
CHF 1513
Master Suite upper deck
23.12.2025 10 nuits
Brother Islands - Deadalus - Elphinstone
23 places libres confirmed
CHF 1979
Départ: 23.12.2025 Unspecified
Arrivée: 02.01.2026 Unspecified
Abu Dabbab, Big Brother, Little Brother, Daedalus, Abu El Kizan, Elphinstone, Marsa Alam, Marsa Mubarak, Shaab Shuna
Twin lower deck
4 places
CHF 1979
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 2097
Twin main deck
10 places
CHF 2097
Single main deck
1 place
CHF 2573
Twin upper deck
4 places
CHF 2097
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 2295
27.04.2026 10 nuits
Rocky Island - Zabargad - Abu Fandera
15 places libres confirmed
CHF 2008
Départ: 27.04.2026 Unspecified
Arrivée: 07.05.2026 Unspecified
Twin lower deck
4 places
CHF 2008
Suite lower deck
2 places
CHF 2127
Twin main deck
4 places
CHF 2127
Single main deck
1 place
CHF 2602
Twin upper deck
4 places
CHF 2127
Master Suite upper deck
22.07.2027 7 nuits
Brother Islands - Deadalus - Elphinstone
23 places libres confirmed
CHF 1335
Départ: 22.07.2027 Unspecified
Arrivée: 29.07.2027 Unspecified
Abu Dabbab, Big Brother, Little Brother, Daedalus, Abu El Kizan, Elphinstone, Marsa Alam, Marsa Mubarak, Shaab Shuna
Twin lower deck
4 places
CHF 1335
Suite lower deck
Twin main deck
12 places
CHF 1414
Single main deck
1 place
CHF 1701
Twin upper deck
4 places
CHF 1414
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 1533
29.07.2027 7 nuits
St. Johns
15 places libres confirmed
CHF 2107
Départ: 29.07.2027 Unspecified
Arrivée: 05.08.2027 Unspecified
Abu Dabbab, Abu Galawa Kebir, Cave Reef - Malahi Sirnaka, Elphinstone, Gota Kebir, Gota Soraya, Habili Kebir, Habili Soraya, Malahi Sataya, Marsa Alam, Marsa Mubarak, Paradise Reef, Shaab Maksur, Shaak Nakari, Shaab Sataya, Shaab Sharm Wadi Gamal, Shaab Shuna, Sirnaka-Mikawa Island, Um El Aruk
Twin lower deck
4 places
CHF 2107
Suite lower deck
Twin main deck
4 places
CHF 2186
Single main deck
1 place
CHF 2474
Twin upper deck
4 places
CHF 2186
Master Suite upper deck
2 places
CHF 2305